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Palace courtiers not not let go,ugg store, can go cronies who are Prince, Ming Chong Yan now is not. If that's the case, but the pseudo- made ​​. But the scenery children booing, a large willow, there is a lotus pond, green and groaning, and begin to have some charge ua enchanting bloom together. Food and wine up, eunuchs and brought a small pot hole ears some bamboo arrows, that is OK to make investment pot. In fact, Tang Hang Jiuling lot of names, such as calendar days to make, so foment head, looking with orders to make nests cloud, gestures orders, streamers order, Chaizi order, without a word orders, tongue twister, so four words, the words small print orders, Thousand Wenling, poetry order, by the history of orders, waving orders, dice order, so the pommel horse, throwing fight so, ua branch order.

Li Wei wore poetic genius like world fame, if the line some Drinking, will soon make a fool of. Drinking or vulgar line dice orders, etc., will make a fool of. But Hang Jiuling are thirty-five friends good friends move, Li Wei Ran position, even dinner, where to sit, ugg sale Hang Jiuling not words, that dare to mention ? Besides, the line well, lost etiquette, supervisors would have been plain speaking. Therefore, also no problem. Hospitality Chong Ming Yan is also true, so that the line of poetry, of course, elegance, but the talent level of the disguise is to decide the winner.

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